Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Posted by Hello

That's what my fingernails look like nowadays. It has banding patterns. The other picture is the one of my right forearm, with the petrified vein. The vein's not too pronounced anymore. It used to be darker, and redder after a cycle. Obviously, my skin's dried up too, Dove Ultramoisturizing Bath Creme seems not to be enough.

Well, I call them my warrior wounds, which will go away in a few weeks. The tattoos, on the other hand, will be with me longer. I can have them removed after the radiotherapy treatment, but I'm deliberating if I would want them removed or will I just keep them? and remind me to be vigilant for the rest of my life...

1 comment:

olive said...

i say keep the tats. if you want you can also connect the dots. hehehehe...