Thursday, November 17, 2005

Sleepless in Manila

Six months after my chemo treatment, three months after my radiotherapy, just when I'm only taking tamoxifen, I find myself having insomnia, just when I don't do steroids anymore!

For the a week now (this started last Wednesday night), I find myself wide awake at night. No matter how tired I am at the end of the day, I can't sleep. Except for that night when I slept over at Cavite. it the air? Or the food? At first, I thought it was the coffee, so I stopped having my coffee late in the afternoon. With or without coffee, I'm still wide awake at 130 in the morning! Must be something else.

Last night, I checked the clock. 2AM, am still having trouble sleeping. What usually does the trick is when I would turn off all the lights in the room and then close my eyes. Sometimes, I'd fall asleep right away, other times, it takes another half hour.

Will have to play cloak and dagger to check why I've been having these spells.

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