Sunday, January 29, 2006


That's the name I gave to my car.

I acquired Boyd back in 1998. Boyd is a 2-door Honda Civic hatchback, '92 model (limited edition), bought by the first owner in 1993. Today, I still drive Boyd. It is still the handsome car that I bought almost 8 years ago. Gosh, has it been that long?

When the movie The Fast and The Furious came out some years back, friends, acquaintaces, and even strangers would ask me if I'm selling Boyd. Sell Boyd? Nah. It still serves me well, and I still love driving it.

These days, I still get asked once every so often if I'm going to sell Boyd. My standard answer these days is: No, I'm not selling. I'm up for a trade though. Boyd for a Honda Jazz. =) That usually ends the conversation.

My dear Boyd, almost 13 years old and still turning heads.

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