Friday, December 01, 2006

It's Christmas Time Again

What??? It is December 1? Already? Oh, my, how time flies! I guess being busy and just having enough time to catch up with sleep and rest makes time goes doubly fast.

Last Saturday, the I Can Serve sisters had their christmas party (my first one for this year). We deliberately had the party early so that everyone would not need to squeeze another christmas party into their busy schedules come December. Smart move, I think.
The party was fun. It was nice to see the bald headed sisters last December now sporting newly grown hair; and to see those with then newly grown hair now wearing their hair longer. Well, I guess hair really IS a big issue with the ladies. It's funny and so heartwarming to hear "Hey, I almost did not recognize you with your hair!" As usual, there was an overabundance of food, which was brought potluck. Diet was taboo that lunchtime.

Pretty Ladies of I Can Serve

It just saddens me that our attendance have doubled since last year. This is one group that does not want new members. Much as the group is able to help the newly diagnosed and those undergoing treatments, it is always a burden to welcome new members into our fold. Although it was also good to see those who had recurrences there, looking good, enjoying themselves.

This year, I have been delinquent with I Can Serve, as the schedule of their activities has always been in conflict with mine. Next year, I promised to be more active, to pay forward all the blessings that I had with this group.

In less than a month, I will be marking the 2nd year of the start of this journey. Life has changed since that fateful day in December (28th) of 2004. A normal year now includes regular visits to the doctors, making sure that I get those regular check-ups, procedures (mammogram and CT scan), and labs. These are the "rude" reminders that life will never be the same. A life, which I am more thankful for.

Another christmas, another year ending, another year just round the corner, another new beginning. Let's all appreciate and take advantage of that. Merry Christmas, everyone!

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