Yesterday is one of the better days I have. It was a happy day.
In the morning, I got a couple of queries as to why I haven't have any new entries. Oh my, I didn't know my ramblings were being so closely followed. I don't know if I should feel pleased or embarassed. Or perhaps I did, a little of both. Pleased that people would take an interest in the ramblings of someone like me; and embarrased that I should be pleased! Kinda confusing. Hehehe.
Lunch time, just when I was about to drift off for a nap, my cell phone rang. Oh! Oh! It's a bunch of friends from the States! Wow! It's better than winning a bald (oopps, no pun intended here) statue!
And then late afternoon, I was able to get in touch with a friend who happened to be a priest. He's happy to hear from me, and that I'm doing great. When he found out that I'm bald, he goes "What? New look again?" =)
Friends are excited to see how I look when bald. If only people won't stare so much, or be frightened, I'd probably be walking around with my shiny top. Even when I'm driving, I have to wear a cap, lest the sun shine on my head and blind the driver of the oncoming car. Now, we don't want that driver crashing into my car, do we?
I'm going to borrow a digicam. Once I have my picture taken, I will post it here. Proud to be bald! *gives a flying kiss and a royal wave*
Manila, Manila
6 years ago
1 comment:
yey! go demi! :)
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