Thursday, July 28, 2005

Play Date

Last weekend, my brother flew in together with my sister-in-law and niece. Since both of the adults have to attend a drug launch Friday night, our (Olive's and mine) services as babysitters were tapped.

Oh, goody! Play date with Max! SpazKnowing that Max does not take to unfamiliar persons easily, I got some "bribe toys" from the office. I got some kitchenware set and a set of Play-Doh modelling compound.

The toys were a big hit! Olive and I gave up long before Max got tired of playing. While playing, Max would break out into songs and chatted incessantly, talking to us, asking us questions about the show on tv. That kid can put the Windows OS to shame! ROTFL

We also got a dose of her never ending sentences.
Max: Twako! Why is Diko on the floor?
Me: Diko's sleeping.
Max: 'Coz?
Me: 'Coz she's tired.
Max: To?
Me: To? What to?
then the kid smiled and break into laughter!

It was an amazing weekend. In a span of 3 days, we were able to interact with Max, learned a lot about her, talked, laughed and played with her. Makes us adore her all the more. That kid got us wrapped around her tiny fingers!

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