Tuesday morning, I texted my Oncologist and OB-GYN/Onco about the CT scan results. My oncologist texted back and told me that there's nothing to worry about. My OB-GYN said okay to my question if I can see her on Thursday. I have my bone scan scheduled on Thursday morning, I figured that I could go see her after the scan.
Thursday, I woke up early yet again, but this time, it is because my bone scan was scheduled at 7AM. When I got to the hospital, still bleary-eyed from lack of sleep, I found that there were already several patients there, all scheduled to have bone scan, too. All at 7AM! Hah! Why do the hospitals do that? They will tell you to come in at a certain time, and then you find out when you're there that it is on a first come, first served basis. I was too sleepy to complain so I just submitted my receipt (proof of payment) and waited for my name to be called. Finally, by 830, I heard my name. I was injected with the radioactive contrast dye, and then told to come back in 2 hours. Why? (in a whiny voice)
Apparently, it takes 2 hours for the dye to travel all over the body. OK. I asked how long the procedure will be, they answered that it's going to take 40-50 minutes per patient. In the meantime, I was told to keep away from pregnant women and kids. *Evil laughter* Oh, if only I can see a brat throwing a tantrum, I will give a deadly bear hug to that kid. Hehehe.
I went back home, had brunch and then went back to the hospital at 11AM, figuring that if I go there later, my wait won't be as long. I was also contemplating if I should call on my friends in PGH to help me out-meaning, I'll be placed in front of the line. As I looked around at my fellow patients waiting for their turn, I realized that I can't do such thing. I do not have the heart to bump off ladies in wheelchairs who are at least 65 years old. So, I wait. I read. I slept as well. By 12NN, I went to check how many patients are there before me. There's 2, roughly 2 hours before it's my turn.
I decided to go see my OB-GYN first. She is not too worried about the cyst (if the cyst grows into 8 cm in diameter, that's the time we start worrying), although she agreed with me that I have an ultrasound so we can know the characterics of the cyst. The ultrasound is scheduled for Tuesday this week. That consultation done, I went back to the hospital.
I waited for 30 more minutes and then it was finally my turn. My bone scan was done by 3:30PM.
I'll get the results tomorrow.
Manila, Manila
6 years ago
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