Monday was a holiday, so I took my time in going to the lab to get my CT scan results. I woke up early again, a sure sign of my being apprehensive. I am hoping that nothing will show up on the scan.
I also had my breast ultrasound after the CT scan procedure that Saturday. The results were good. Nothing showed up.
Around lunch time, I went to the lab to get my results. After signing on the receipt logbook, I took a deep breathe and sat myself down on one of the numerous benches there. Here goes nothing:
(I'm going to copy here the typed report)
1. There are some small metallic densities in the upper chest and breast, for which they concluded that these were probably markers for radiation therapy located in the site of previous surgery.
2. There were no infiltrates nor masses. No pleural fluid is noted.
3. The mediastinal vascular structures and heart are intact. No enlarged nodes are seen.
4. The osseous and the rest of the soft tissue structures of the thorax are unremarkable.
5. The liver is normal in size. It shows a diffuse decrease in attenuation with associated relative hyperdensity of the hepatic vasculature. The intrahepatic ducts are not dilated. No focal lesions are noted.
6. There is a cystic mass adjacent to the right side of the uterus. It measures 4.5 cm in diameter.
7. The pancreas and spleen are of normal size and tissue homogeneity. There are no focal masses noted within. The gallbladder is unremarkable.
8. The aorta and IVC are intact. There are no enlarged lymph nodes noted. The adrenal glands are normal.
9. The non-enhanced kidneys are normal in size. The urinary collecting structures are intact. The urinary bladder is partially filled with no remarkable findings noted.
10. The contrasts filled bowels are unremarkable. There are no mesenteric nodularites or thickening seen.
11. The uterus is not enarged.
12. The rest of the soft tissue, vascular and osseous structures are normal.
1. Fatty liver infiltration.
2. Right adnexal cyst, probably ovarian in origin; suggest further evaluation with ultrasound.
3. No significant pulmunary findings.
Now, wasn't the quite something? Big words again. They can really make your vision blurry. and then they focused again on a sentence: There is a cystic mass adjacent to the right side of the uterus. It measures 4.5 cm in diameter. Whada?
Good thing I was sitting down on the bench. I went home in a daze, and somehow managed to plod through the day.
Manila, Manila
6 years ago
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