Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I Do

Actually, I don't. It's my sister, Olive, who's doing the "I Do." My baby sister is getting married! Well, not a baby anymore, actually.

I could not be any happier for her. With Jerome, I know they will have a beautiful life together.

Right now, Olive's kind of apprehensive of talking me to death about her wedding preparations; but I assured her that I am more than happy to listen. If it gets to the point of becoming all yada-yada, then I'll just shut out her voice and go to sleep. Hehehe - that, I have a special talent for.

I have yet to lift a finger in helping out with the wedding preparations; for I'd rather Olive do it herself. Plus what bride-to-be needs the added stress of unsolicited advice, the suggestions not asked for, all coming from the kind souls (I call them very opinionated people) surrounding the couple, etc.? Although Olive knows that all she has to do is just ask for my help and I will gladly help.

I'm sure the circus is going to go into full gear as the wedding day approaches. It will be hell and it will be fun.

Congratulations to Olive and Jerome!

For her wedding preparation chronicles, log on to

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