Saturday, January 12, 2008

Hunting Season

Hunting season is here once again. Hunting for a house/condo/apartment, anyway.

I would love to stay right where I am now but the expense is just getting to be too ridiculous. Yesterday, I got the bill for the association dues, and it just seems to me that I am being given every sign to move - they raised the dues by 10%!

I seen a couple of ads that looked promising, but alas, someone has beaten me to it. So, I'm a searching once again.

Ads in the internet sometimes can be funny, most especially the pictures of the furnished units. Seeing the furnishings just makes me shudder to even think about living there, much less paying for it! Oh my gosh, I'm a snob! Well, let's just say I got a headache just from the pictures - all those vivid unmatching colors!

One conclusion I have arrived at: it seems that I am doomed to have my living space be inversely proportional to my age!

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