Monday, May 24, 2010

2 Years Hence

Today marked the second death anniversary of our beloved Dad. I took leave from work and flew to CDO for the "babang luksa" (official end of the mourning period).

Since yesterday, it has been a very hot kitchen at home. Mama's cooking and cooking and cooking and cooking and cooking. Today, the kitchen activities continued as early as 730am. Of course, I have to help, even if I hate to be enslaved to a hot stove. Having a terrible hot weather doesn't help a bit.

We finished with the kitchen duty by 330pm. Ma and I proceeded to her room and turned the AC full blast. Much as we wanted to stay some more, we have to be get ready soon after. We have told everyone to meet up at the cemetery at 4pm.

One by one, the relatives arrived. A lot weren't able to make it, but it's okay. Food, talk, and love overflowed - just the way Pa would have it at any family get together.

We all miss you, Pa; but I'm sure you're peering down from heaven at us, smiling and sending us your love.

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