Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Big Sis or BI?

Playing the big sis or playing the B.I. (bad influence)?

Last Thursday night, I got a text from my cousin Christine, Claire's sister. She said that she's in Manila for a month for training. When I got home from classes, I asked her to call me up at home. Christine's been in Manila since November 7 and so far, has been a very good girl. She's been studying hard for her exams and had not been partying. She asked where she could play badminton with her officemates. So, I volunteered to book a court for them, and asked if she wanted to watch Harry Potter with me on Saturday.

Saturday, I left work early to pick up Christine from her hotel and we went to Greenhills - to do some shopping first at the tiangge (sort of like flea market), and then dinner and movie. As promised, we were able to do all three, although Christine was overwhelmed with the tiangge (not knowing where to start looking). After two and a half hours of shopping, we had dinner at Teriyaki Boy, where we over ate (so what else is new?).

To walk off the extra food consumed, we went to the night market located at the other side of the mall. When we got there, we were just in time for the Christmas presentation (by COD). The presentation was nice (although there were no dancing live mannequins, unlike before in COD Cubao), and the crowd was wowed.

After going through the stalls, we till have some time left before the showing of Harry Potter. Nowhere to go? We decided to go check out what's happening at the badminton courts. Turns out there was an ongoing tournament. I saw some friends, said my hi's and hello's, and then we headed for the movies.

We met up with some friends and went to see the movie together. The movie was better than I expected (or maybe it's because I wasn't expecting anything). After the movies, we had coffee (well, they had coffee, I had a pseudo-fruit shake). We headed home after. I was able to deposit Christine back to her hotel at around 2AM. =)

Now, I was looking for someone to go watch the play Aspects of Love with, and have been quite unsuccessful so far. Work willing, Christine can make it this Saturday. I'll have her home earlier this time, promise!

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