Sunday, April 30, 2006

One Month? Already?

My, goodness! It's the last day of April already??? It seems like we were just up to our neck trying to pack everything for the move and already a month's passed.

After moving in, Olive and I were unpacking every spare minute we have - meaning when we're home from work, and not asleep; and yet tomorrow is already the first of May and we still have a handful of boxes lying around!

We tried to analyze what happened to our unpacking momentum when we realized what's stopping us from finishing up: we ran out of storage space. ShockedWhile packing, we have thrown out quite a bit of stuff; while unpacking, we threw out some more stuff; and yet we still ran out of storage space??? This is embarassing!

So, Olive and I went window shopping for the solution/s.

Yesterday, Olive went on the shopping errand of purchasing a bookcase and a console table with a bunch of drawers. These should be enough for us to store the remaining stuff. Secret

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