Friday, September 16, 2005

Rainy Day

It has been raining non stop since wednesday night. It is not your pouring heavy rain, just intermittent drizzling and then a few minutes of heavy downpour.

Having to commute yesterday, I decided to dress sensibly - jeans, shirt and rubber shoes (so I can sidestep puddles and avoid car splashes nimbly). And of course, I have an umbrella with me.

I was a really funny sight going home. I was laughing my head off all by myself on my way home. Picture this: Me walking along the main road, skirting puddles of water, with an umbrella that has scoliosis (the handle/main frame is bent out of shape). Two blocks away from the office, my right shoe felt funny; I felt something flopping. Oh dear, it's the sole. Faced with a choice of going back to the office to change into slippers or just walking on to the jeepney stop, I decided to forge ahead to the jeepney stop.

A few steps later, the left shoe felt funny, too. It seems that left shoe does not want to be outdone by the right shoe. I checked and saw it grinning at me. Oh, lordy! So there I was, trudging along between puddles of water, right shoe (heel part) flipping, left shoe (toe part) flapping. Before I even got to the jeepney stop, the right sole completely fell off. So there I was, in the rain, with a scoliotic umbrella, deciding what to do. I picked up the sole (don't ask me why) and then I ripped off the sole on left shoe. Ahhh...walking straight again. From there until the jeepney stop, there was no further mishap. By the way, I threw away both soles.

I have to get off the FX (Toyota AUVs converted into public transportation) and walk another block before I reach home. As I was crossing the street to reach the apartment, I almost tripped; I looked back to see what it was that I stepped on, er, left behind - sure enough, it was another portion of my left shoe!

Well, I did get home in one piece, my shoes weren't so lucky. They got home in PIECES! Laughing 1 Time to get new shoes? You think?

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