Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Party Time!

Tomorrow, I have 3 christmas parties lined up. At 4pm, there is the christmas party at school. Then, at 6pm, the party at the office will start. Finally, at 7pm, the party at the dorm will start.

At 4pm, I will still be at the office. At 6pm, I will be at school. At 11pm, I will be home from school. I guess I will just have to miss out on ALL of the parties! It will be a bizaare day tomorrow - with 3 parties, none of which I can attend. Funny?

On Saturday, there will be another christmas party, this time with the badminton people - and I have to be at work. I think this sucks, 4 parties all lined up, and I will be at NONE of them. Well, let's look at the bright side, I'll start partying when I go home to Cagayan de Oro for the holidays. Maybe I won't gain so much weight - since I'm NOT even supposed to gain a single pound according to my oncologist!

One more week, and I'll be heading for Cagayan de Oro. I can't wait!

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