Sunday, December 18, 2005

Christmas Wish List

"So, what do you want for Christmas?" is the most encountered question I have these days.

My standard answer is: "Peace on earth and goodwill to men!" My, my, I can join beauty pageants with my answer.

What can I possibly want for Christmas?

Material things the I want are more "luxury" than needs. With the christmas party here at the dorm, I was able to cross off a couple - I got the book Tuesdays with Morrie, a book that I've been meaning to buy to read but somehow wasn't able to and I was also able to go to Boracay this year (thank you again, girls!). Other things on my list are just material things, your everyday gadgets that one can live with or without, things that I have to save up for myself. =)

Actually, I had my christmas gift early when all my test results came back "normal." Even the scare with the cyst in my ovary have been relegated to the back seat for the meantime. I've got good health once again, I think it is enough.

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