Sunday, June 26, 2005

Me Time

I went to watch Mr. & Mrs. Smith last night with my favorite date - me! Just across the street at Robinson's Place, nothing fancy, although I'm still coming to terms with the ticket price. It was after that I realized that I have missed this particular activity of "Me Time".

"Me Time" is the time I give to myself - to do whatever I want, to have some quiet (or not) time to myself, to ponder life (mine in particular), to think, play or just plain veg out in front of the TV. Wandering around aimlessly, go shopping like a guy, eat like a pig or not at all, and a whole lot of senseless, aimless activities.

I remembered that there were times that:
- I would go on a movie mode and watch two back to back
- hop on Boyd and drive to Cavite for lunch (an occassional alcohol and cigs)
- walk around UP or the mall
- sit on the beach and just space out
- do needlepoint until I get cross eyed or until my back hurts
- read a two-inch thick paperback in one sitting

1 comment:

olive said...

i know how u feel. i miss my privacy too. :)