Friday, March 25, 2005

Eating like There's No Tomorrow

Wednesday afternoon, I was able to sleep from 3 to 5. Not bad. I woke up and took an anti-nausea pill together with antacids. No hyperacidity experienced. Yay!

Yesterday, I woke up at 7AM, feeling hungry. So I took my meds and had a big breakfast of cereal and hash browns. For lunch I had a chunky vegetable soup and siopao. Had raddish cake for snacks. Dinner was the best! I had Salpicao from Cafe Adriatico, fresh mango juice and finished off with a plate of fresh fruits! I never ate so much! Whatever happened to losing one's appetite the first few days after chemo treatment because of the metallic taste in one's mouth? What metallic taste? *blush* Best of all, no hyperacity experienced! Double yay!

Today, I woke up 9AM. Had oatmeal for breakfast, veggies, sardines (in corn oil with no preservatives, according to the label) and my beef soup with the Chinese herbs. For dinner, Olive will be preparing a pasta dish. So, it looks like I'm going to eat a lot again. *sigh*

As I always say when I tend to binge, I will be more disciplined with what I eat from now on...until the next chemo comes along and I feel like I'm entitled to binge again! Bad Vanj! It's a wonder that I haven't gained weight.

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