Monday, March 14, 2005

Purpose Driven Life

This morning, I got a text from the founder of I Can Serve, asking if she could talk to me. So I gave her my office number. After an hour, she texted me again, requesting if I could call her back since she can't get through the phones.

I called her up. She asked me if I am willing to help out. To be one of the "movers" behind the foundation. It will entail me helping out in planning for outings, parties and the likes. I am floored by her offer. We just met last Friday, and already, she's asking me to help out!

After gathering my wits back together, I gladly accepted. I said I'll be more than happy to help. This is an honor. To be able to help people, especially those with cancer, in any way I could, I couldn't be happier.

Now I know why I got the big C. Now I know my purpose in life. Ain't that great? =)

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