Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Good Days, Bad Days

The past week has been the most trying yet. Good days are very much appreciated. Of course, bad days are also there.

I have been fighting hyperacidity since last Thursday. So far, I was luckly to keep it to a minimum - until yesterday. I woke up around 3AM yesterday in pain. I took antacids and ate crackers. It was an hour after before I felt better; boy, was I miserable. *sigh*

So last night, before I slept, I took an extra dosage of Maalox. I was blessed to be able to sleep through the night. I woke up at 6 this morning and I can feel the onset of a major hyeracidity. I quickly took Maalox again and slept again until 7.

Throughout today, I've been playing hide and seek with the hyperacidity. I can feel the gas filling up my insides. I have to keep belching lest I pass the gas the other way - hmmm, that's not good. *yuck!*

Today's one of the bad days; but I am glad - for it is a reminder that I still have a long journey ahead. And I know that tomorrow, all things will be better! =)

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