Friday, March 11, 2005

I Can Serve

I Can Serve is a breast cancer advocacy group founded by a breast cancer survivor. It provides information and counselling (if you want) on breast cancer. The hotlines are manned by cancer survivors and everything is treated with utmost confidence. It has an egroup that comprises of cancer survivors (most have breast cancer but others have different kind of cancer).

The egroup also serves as a support group for the members. We may have not meet physically, but virtually, we are very close; sisters in sickness and eventually in health. Everyday, when I open to check my mailbox, emails from the group are something I look forward to. Here, we discuss everything about cancer. No question is too silly, no thought too profound. No comment too provocative, no fear too big.

Later, we are going to have a get together party. I'm so excited. Finally, to be able put faces to the names of the people I interact with everyday!

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