Sunday, February 13, 2005


One of the side effects I'm experiencing is the loss of appetite. Ever since I kept throwing up everything I ate at the hospital, the mere thought of food is enough to send me gagging.

My caregivers have to be creative to entice me to eat. Yesterday, we had a sandwich party. I was able to eat one and a half ham and cheese sandwich for lunch. Not bad! I know I'm supposed to keep off processed food; but at this point, anything I eat is fine. Better than not eating at all! Once I gain back my appetite, hopefully in the next day or two, it's back to diet of fruits and veggies, with perhaps a bit of meat on the side.

I'm not supposed to totally stop eating meat since I would need all the protein I can get to help me recover more quickly from each dose of chemotherapy. Besides, it would not be all that good to lose any more weight, I have lost 12 pounds so far, according to my doctor friend. I can't grasp the whole logic behind it but I'll try to follow their instructions.

This disease is really teaching me a lot.

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