Friday, April 15, 2005

4th of 6

Had my 4th cycle of chemotherapy yesterday. Since Olive have to work, Mama and Papa accompanied me to the hospital.

It was quite uneventful, the doctor easily found a vein to work on. Apparently, I was fretting over nothing. Small miracles, who am I to complain? I'm just VERY grateful! Double the treat was when I got home and found my package from the States finally delivered! (I'm wearing the LIVESTRONG band na. Thank you, girl friend!)

Today, the small miracles are still at it. I have no complaints, generally uneventful. I even get to drink Coke (in celebration of Olive's birthday - Happy birthday, Olive!)!

As I checked my emails today, I am even more grateful that I am coping so well. My other "sisters" (in my support group) are not so lucky, they have really bad days after every cycle; some are in pain, some can't eat, some are just plain fatigued out (is this the correct term?). Makes me count my blessings all the more.

1 comment:

olive said...

thank you, achi. :)