Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Last Friday night, some friends from my regular badminton group visited me at home. Although I was still busy getting in and out of the bathroom, I was happy to see them.

They talked to me about their badminton games, I tell them stories of my recent lifestyle changes and going ons. They stayed for around two hours. It felt good to see them again, to talk and tease and laugh together.

As they talked about badminton, I realised something: I don't really miss it that much now. I was able to play once; a lot earlier than I expected (I had prepared myself that I'll start playing again by September), and I'm happy about that. Though that once did not do me any good physically, it did lift my spirits (not to mention my blood pressure...hehehe). It also dawned upon me then that I am prepared to wait for all my treatments to be done before I'd venture out on a badminton court again. =)

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