Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Dumbo Jumbo or Jumbo Dumbo?

Posted by Hello

Yesterday afternoon, I have to leave the office quite suddenly. Around 2PM, some guys from termite control pop into office and started to spray at the termite colonies found in the office. Five minutes after, I started coughing and heaving. Since it's my 2nd week post a chemo cycle, it means my immune system would be at its lowest. I deem it best to get out of the office, out of the fumes of the anti termite concoction that is floating about the office. Not that I'm complaining, I get to go home early! *big grin*

At home, Olive and I decided to continue with the West Wing series we were watching. Then, as is the habit of Olive (which she picked up fairly recent), she started to rub my head. She stopped mid-rub and said: Achi, you look like an elephant. You need to shave again.


Nope, Olive wasn't referring to my size, rather she's referring to my hair, what few strands I have anyway. I looked into the mirror and agreed. I have baby hair growing sparingly on my head. I also have some coarse hair growing too. But they still fall out, so while I'm still having my chemo treatments, I will continue to to shave my head for the chrome dome effect. I just hope Olive won't be over zealous with shaving my head when the time comes that I can grow my hair. Otherwise, I'll have to stay bald the rest of my life!


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